Astonia Invicta Online is a FREE-TO-PLAY MMORPG originally developed by Daniel Brockhaus.


Keep yourself updated on the next available clan spawn, don't forget that your clan requires clan jewels to stay active and obtain higher bonuses!

Below is the current status of all spawns. Spawn levels with a beside it has an active Clan Jewel on pedestal. Go grab it before anyone else does!

(This page will refresh automatically in 60 seconds.)

Level Time Left On Timer
52 00:03
24 00:11
21 00:16
69 00:28
45 00:39
5 00:43
36 00:58
100 02:12
46 03:19
400 03:23
120 03:32
15 03:33
50 04:01
38 04:24
34 04:56
76 05:23
84 06:46
20 07:30
13 07:50
30 07:59
108 08:24
28 08:53
43 10:23
48 14:13
44 14:51
18 14:53
64 14:54
33 16:27
60 19:12
40 19:39
250 19:49
80 20:57
68 24:14
55 24:53
42 25:09
200 28:55
92 30:42
160 36:07


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