Astonia Invicta Online is a FREE-TO-PLAY MMORPG originally developed by Daniel Brockhaus.


Astonia 3 Invicta is a free-to-play game where most of the expenses is covered by the developers. Now you can contribute to the development and maintenance of the server and community. All contributions entitles you to rewards available to your character(s).

The Donation Reward System is simple to use, just enter the character name that you want to make the donation under and the amount that you wish to donate. Click the Donate button to complete your donation.

Character Name:

(Donor will be added to your character once the donation has been verified, this can take up to 15 minutes to process.)

Use the /claim command on your character to claim your donor . Rewards can be purchased downstairs in the Donor Room behind Aston Teleport.

Every $1 Contributed Earns You More Bigger Contributions, Bigger Rewards!
$1 - $10 No Bonus
$11 - $50 +10% Bonus
$51 - $100 +20% Bonus
$101 - $500 +30% Bonus
$501 - $1000 +40% Bonus
$1001 - $5000 +50% Bonus
$5001 - $10000 +60% Bonus

Donation Rewards Reward Cost
Lab Solver 2
Remove Negative Exp 3
SH/Pulse Reset 3
Infinite RWW Key 3
Account Donor Status 5
Softcore Seyan 5
Hardcore Seyan 8


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